In pursuing the patent, Raj sought to make sure the product stood on its own and was unique. “We committed ourselves to the development of a product that would be superior to what was available in the market.” The UIWeaver automation tool also has a GSA Section 508 compliance, assuring accessibility for people with disabilities.
The final review and approval process for this type of patent can take anywhere from twelve months to five years, and as of June 2021, there were more than 632,000 unexamined patent applications waiting to be reviewed.
With having the official “patent-pending” attached to the UIWeaver, it has passed the first hurdle of the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) application process. Learning from failure
Raj explained, “The patent application was a lot of work, but it was worth it.” After nine months in development, creating prototypes and experiencing setbacks, Raj knew he was onto something. “By learning what didn’t work, I could see what did work. And I found out learning from failure made me stronger. It increased my resolve.”
Finally after two years in development, the coding tool was submitted to the USPTO. Raj says “My satisfaction comes from knowing that users in the development cycle can now overcome data loss, technical limitations, and poor performance by accessing this automated code tool, eliminating the high expenses stemming from outdated legacy systems. The results are better performance, increased efficiency, scalable applications, and low maintenance costs.”
Real-world solutions
There are many examples today in various business verticals where the benefits of the UIWeaver coding automation tool has quickly fixed glitches inside several weeks worth of written code, allowing industries to save time and resources.
As Raj explains, “In the marketplace, the banking industry especially benefits from the UIWeaver tool. The loan life cycle has been greatly condensed to as few as five business days by using our drop-in-code innovation. Before, a typical loan life cycle could have taken weeks of developer coding and recoding time.”
According to the article
“How to Reduce Operating Expenses in Banks” from The Lab Consulting, “The best way to lower costs is to standardize common processes.” Brick-and-mortar banks are competing with fintech startups, mobile apps, and more. “Banks have to save money by requiring fewer staffing hours to handle loans and many other processes. The UIWeaver tool can do this task automatically,” Raj adds. “Another area where UI Weaver has shown to reduce costs is in the insurance industry. Again, automation saves personnel costs, and decreases errors at the same time.”
Living better lives
Raj states that he invented this patent-pending product so his teams could work smarter, not harder, on coding and have more time for innovation.
“I would like people in this profession to have more energy for their families. The idea that I’m helping people work more efficiently and have a better quality of life is very important to me and why I created UIWeaver in the first place. While rewriting code used to take days or even weeks or longer, for more complex software applications (like for a Tesla car), our new drop-in code can reduce the coding work from weeks to days and the days to hours for the application to be up and running again. Computer programmers’ coding work is reduced accordingly.”
Today, in addition to his profession as a full stack RPA developer, Raj tutors college-level students in “real-world” computer programming in hopes of making them more hire-worthy. As Raj maintains, “Sometimes what they learn in school cannot be used in the workplace. So,” he says, “when I support young people, it is in hopes that they can get better jobs right away, and it makes me happy.”
As for Raj’s future goals, he wants to find more ways to help his colleagues and students, and he wants to keep supporting his family here in the United States and at home. He says, “I tell people never to stop pursuing their dreams, and always support people along the way as they pursue theirs. I love helping people and solving problems. It’s why I get up in the morning.”
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